Recambios Ejes y Cajas S.A. - Official Distributor
Vistas: 47
St. Destreza 3, nave 13 & 14 C – Poligono Industrial Los Olivos ES 28906 Getafe (Madrid) Spain
Acerca de
We have a department dedicated to exports, giving the customer the possibility of shipment in different ways according to INCOTERMS 2010 conditions, depending on the urgency and the volume / weight of the shipment in order to give the best price / service possible.
At REYCA, ZF Official Distributor, and Distributor of original Kessler parts, you will find a great team of professionals dedicated to worldwide export. Through a preferential agreements with the most important Air Companies, Shipping Companies and Courriers, we can deliver any shipment to any country. We offer: Direct exports worldwide.
Personalised attention from our technical and commercial support team giving an answer in the day to all needs / queries from each client. Original spare parts, directly from Factory. Do not hesitate to request offers, technical information, service manuals, etc:
Recambios originales Stabilus
Vistas: 9
C. Destreza, 3, Poligono Industrial los Olivos, 28906 Getafe, Madrid