

Authentication is via the JSON Web Tokens (JWT) system. You can read more here in the official documentation.

The credentias are send in json format:


And the token is returned

    "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE1Nzg5MDQyNjYsImV4cCI6MTU3ODkwNzg2Niwicm9sZXMiOlsiUk9MRV9VU0VSIl0sInVzZXJuYW1lIjoid2FyZGF6b0BnbWFpbC5jb20ifQ.hBO_KERLPV_2LJsVksVfNHVxNB98X_DTRApEHcXvIGJGaSpNs0o7ucas2bZ59ev5eIC5KFUPOXqRvIGD0c0JFxc8jVKzBH94jijmIWkJ_VbWdGMuU-ulmVaV6WljrjVZ9Kxg5GSbUWNPXvP9Ml-kHlckoPP5xsh4PEK7XZqPQvzLTovAk5d5kNYoG6MVa88Mc9bmRAkBjzuHsuctTaa1ncP-qXwkQy_W4ZZMBT3IGredyf8U0k3r1IxrE8UsHstbmiuA6GktsWKIZY83hOzZZNYiMgKROjjegA4fHq8iNtKbo7AfaxEj5HgL4kHIXJxkOUy9sTjaOsBZxgWr74nj256cZNvQ1DK7Qg95yZmOix3SN_0TgP5JKafKn4m-2E_akzsc1jaihwMcgC1cHenyzRkpTfRhEzO1FXhSMX3wHB0lYjWUwxFEc099Q3CP56T7GIkVdj2sXawztfmBbKhbvGvZnS_gfZbOyhO4brJ19Cq4bTaa12aWTxcH9_98k6KoJWPunwJ9yFD5bzwL780AP0jyPZ0LX81EURQsSHQmoAWd9m-M8k3oMt8gRoLBKhLsO6n_stxc_RLx3TpwLuKpJni57pcmSXNG_FWkjZoH8QP73WMy2HO4sQJTjT8YZcrxl65J7wyyFVL7z8K0y7OpqYZoOgPziV_AAMx1RtHa2mE"

This token must be attached to the header in future calls. Note, it is time limited - it does not last forever. Also note the the content type application/json must be specified in the header


We have provided an example in curt to get you started:

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Postman-Token: d3452f00-12bc-4f41-94d2-2810e157e7e2' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -d '{"username":"username","password":"password"}'

Inserting a new clients and whatsapps


A json object in the following format must be sent via POST

    "name": "e765765",
    "whatsapps": [
            "number": "34622814642",
            "name": "xxxxxxx",

            "id": "o132f4a76-56b9-413e-8501-0f53df025b0-ogg",
            "active": true,
            "iconUrl": "",
            "post": "myjob"

            "number": "34622814642",
            "name": "sdsd",
            "active": true,
            "iconUrl": "",
            "post": "myjob"
    "color": "#ffffff",
    "textColor": "#ffffff",
    "rightpos": true,
    "active": true,
    "isopen": false,
    "buttonMessage": "wqew",
    "widgetMessage": "qwe",
    "iconUrl": ""

We have provided an example in curt to get you started:

  curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE1ODAxMTE4NjAsImV4cCI6MTU4MDExNTQ2MCwicm9sZXMiOlsiUk9MRV9VU0VSIiwiUk9MRV9BRE1JTiJdLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IndhcmRhem9AZ21haWwuY29tIn0.CHsNcCHOecggVsBIf4AkP_qcb6RPKmRkKF42tWHs48aFl4ojNNDxxtMWYHqMJzFvWqbKC5MYyHeydbCxmkRIYgrLbCbaTHNVEnALPVdkaQ6RSDMnTRLix9F3hJB4ky1QmV2130GKBLdwIbIq0FQActcEH71asPeeLPPTRrgfLH2JPUXpZGWpijmqYsy4nWeTLc3WxFpiwqKogK_ybMcfM6b7JYDvWIZtKKqBBUzR1aRjtRiyZ9zNih5tVmNLOBAq7oeXOAABww_1dHLHMIT_IYrVMjTWbVVJL1w1P3b_zaDAF2-QU2iKQR4i_XXEP4mm5X-c879kjCBCMTXalqMGXXVZOUEA2MryiNq-LVtgUNtz-g1W3KT0xoBKJ5JFFC5gCCXb-uIMMMp32Qz5Smroonux7ntWk14Usqi2qePQ66vRvJZb07rNERUHMQzc4Oljk_sJfabucuYQ4GrIyRtkbKBM6f6MY8Gap-l7TKR0b0r23rVbllNWmXCNC3JL8j2JbogqUC3XiXqdWPV9te2wCmZR8XKc115yPeEM1CAZ0Mm7PRgiJiQI-jlLpDmtMst_FOoEqip7kMNgFlMREPv8b6lTpjJCLOdWVfizCFtutioq6gZbpUOkftRomIaY2aQbFPxLnGSnaV1axGlA8dtA1Nt6KpLT6VdQViZj4089sUo' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Postman-Token: 2593a616-b46b-4321-ba5d-de7c03b5f9e0' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -d '{
    "name": "e765765",
    "whatsapps": [
            "number": "34622814642",
            "name": "xxxxxxx",

            "id": "o132f4a76-56b9-413e-8501-0f53df025b0-ogg",
            "active": true,
            "iconUrl": "",
            "post": "myjob"

            "number": "34622814642",
            "name": "sdsd",
            "active": true,
            "iconUrl": "",
            "post": "myjob"
    "color": "#ffffff",
    "textColor": "#ffffff",
    "rightpos": true,
    "active": true,
    "isopen": false,
    "buttonMessage": "wqew",
    "widgetMessage": "qwe",
    "iconUrl": ""

Please note that the reponse incudes the UUID of the business (ACCOUNT:ID) and the whatsapp operators. You will need both these for updating the entity

    "status": true,
    "data": {
        "id": "36a3f584-9c18-4b52-8c50-9849414dd415",
        "name": "e765765",
        "whatsapps": [
                "id": "9dccde29-79d8-46f4-8801-e41589484614",
                "number": "34622814642",
                "name": "xxxxxxx",
                "active": true,
                "iconUrl": "",
                "post": "myjob",
                "optimes": [
                        "day": "MO",
                        "availableFrom": "22:00:00",
                        "availableUntil": "22:00:00"
                        "day": "TU",
                        "availableFrom": "22:00:00",
                        "availableUntil": "22:00:00"
                "id": "14495743-4a6b-424f-8dfc-ef013d3509aa",
                "number": "34622814642",
                "name": "sdsd",
                "active": true,
                "iconUrl": "",
                "post": "myjob",
                "optimes": [
                        "day": "MO",
                        "availableFrom": "22:00:00",
                        "availableUntil": "22:00:00"
                        "day": "TU",
                        "availableFrom": "22:00:00",
                        "availableUntil": "22:00:00"
        "color": "#ffffff",
        "rightpos": true,
        "active": true,
        "isopen": false,
        "buttonMessage": "wqew",
        "widgetMessage": "qwe",
        "iconUrl": "",
        "textColor": "#ffffff"



A json object in the following format must be sent via PUT

{   "id": "uuid"
    "name": "Business name",
    "whatsapps": [
            "number": telephone number,
            "name": "operator name",
            "optimes": [
                    "day": "MO,TU,WE,TH,FR,SA or SU",
                    "availableFrom": "availability from in time format 'HH:MM:SS",
                    "availableUntil": "availability until in time format 'HH:MM:SS"
                    "day": "MO,TU,WE,TH,FR,SA or SU",
                    "availableFrom": "availability from in time format 'HH:MM:SS",
                    "availableUntil": "availability from untill time format 'HH:MM:SS"
            "id": "operator ID - obilgatory if updating. Leave blank for new operators.",
            "active": true/false,
            "icon_url": "Icon url  - must be valid URL"

    "color": "the background color in hex format #ffffff",
    "rightpos": true/false - position to the right or left,
    "active": true/false - is active or inactive,
    "isopen": true/false - widget os open or closed by default,
    "buttonMessage": "The message on the button",
    "widgetMessage": "The message on the widget",
    "iconUrl": "Icon url  - must be valid URL"

Note, the authentification token must be sent as a bearer token in the header. For a complete example please refer to the curl example below


We have provided an example in curt to get you started:

  curl -X PUT \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE1ODAxMTE4NjAsImV4cCI6MTU4MDExNTQ2MCwicm9sZXMiOlsiUk9MRV9VU0VSIiwiUk9MRV9BRE1JTiJdLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IndhcmRhem9AZ21haWwuY29tIn0.CHsNcCHOecggVsBIf4AkP_qcb6RPKmRkKF42tWHs48aFl4ojNNDxxtMWYHqMJzFvWqbKC5MYyHeydbCxmkRIYgrLbCbaTHNVEnALPVdkaQ6RSDMnTRLix9F3hJB4ky1QmV2130GKBLdwIbIq0FQActcEH71asPeeLPPTRrgfLH2JPUXpZGWpijmqYsy4nWeTLc3WxFpiwqKogK_ybMcfM6b7JYDvWIZtKKqBBUzR1aRjtRiyZ9zNih5tVmNLOBAq7oeXOAABww_1dHLHMIT_IYrVMjTWbVVJL1w1P3b_zaDAF2-QU2iKQR4i_XXEP4mm5X-c879kjCBCMTXalqMGXXVZOUEA2MryiNq-LVtgUNtz-g1W3KT0xoBKJ5JFFC5gCCXb-uIMMMp32Qz5Smroonux7ntWk14Usqi2qePQ66vRvJZb07rNERUHMQzc4Oljk_sJfabucuYQ4GrIyRtkbKBM6f6MY8Gap-l7TKR0b0r23rVbllNWmXCNC3JL8j2JbogqUC3XiXqdWPV9te2wCmZR8XKc115yPeEM1CAZ0Mm7PRgiJiQI-jlLpDmtMst_FOoEqip7kMNgFlMREPv8b6lTpjJCLOdWVfizCFtutioq6gZbpUOkftRomIaY2aQbFPxLnGSnaV1axGlA8dtA1Nt6KpLT6VdQViZj4089sUo' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Postman-Token: 473aa85e-f427-4937-9e23-c7282f9441f8' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -d '{
        "id": "cfe47029-4a85-4253-854c-d21f8a892ce2",
        "name": "Acme Ltd",
        "whatsapps": [
                "id": "7653e135-530f-4963-8e17-8319090207c3",
                "number": "34622814642",
                "name": "Ms Y",
                "active": true,
                "iconUrl": "",
                "post": "Sales",
                "optimes": [
                        "day": "MO",
                        "availableFrom": "22:00:00",
                        "availableUntil": "23:00:00"
                        "day": "TU",
                        "availableFrom": "22:00:00",
                        "availableUntil": "00:00:00"
                "id": "82b76720-a646-4066-a475-dfb2a66950d7",
                "number": "34622814642",
                "name": "MR X",
                "active": true,
                "iconUrl": "",
                "post": "RRHH",
                "optimes": [
                        "day": "SA",
                        "availableFrom": "14:00:00",
                        "availableUntil": "23:00:00"
                        "day": "TU",
                        "availableFrom": "22:00:00",
                        "availableUntil": "00:00:00"
        "color": "#25d366",
        "rightpos": true,
        "active": true,
        "isopen": false,
        "buttonMessage": "Click to whatsapp",
        "widgetMessage": "Hola!",
        "iconUrl": "",
        "textColor": "#ffffff"

Response - ok:

    "status": true,
    "data": {
        "id": "948b6088-42cf-4eb3-9df4-da26175c27aa",
        "name": "Acme Ltd",
        "whatsapps": [
                "id": "a602b203-bdf0-46d6-a443-1149dcda09ef",
                "number": "34622814642",
                "name": "Ms Y",
                "active": true,
                "iconUrl": "",
                "post": "Sales",
                "optimes": [
                        "day": "MO",
                        "availableFrom": "22:00:00",
                        "availableUntil": "23:00:00"
                        "day": "TU",
                        "availableFrom": "22:00:00",
                        "availableUntil": "00:00:00"
                "id": "719ec638-dc05-4542-8761-d91529ccd265",
                "number": "34622814642",
                "name": "MR X",
                "active": true,
                "iconUrl": "",
                "post": "RRHH",
                "optimes": [
                        "day": "SA",
                        "availableFrom": "14:00:00",
                        "availableUntil": "23:00:00"
                        "day": "TU",
                        "availableFrom": "22:00:00",
                        "availableUntil": "00:00:00"
        "color": "#25d366",
        "rightpos": true,
        "active": true,
        "isopen": false,
        "buttonMessage": "Click to whatsapp",
        "widgetMessage": "Hola!",
        "iconUrl": "",
        "textColor": "#ffffff"

In the event of an error status is false and an error filed is included. For example if a non hex value color is given:

    "status": false,
    "error": "Object(App\\Entity\\Business).color:\n    This value is not valid. (code de1e3db3-5ed4-4941-aae4-59f3667cc3a3)\n"

Viewing your data

Note , this is a public api and is the same api that the widget consumes and displays to the public. It therefore does not require autentification
    "status": true,
    "data": {
        "id": "948b6088-42cf-4eb3-9df4-da26175c27aa",
        "name": "Acme Ltd",
        "whatsapps": [
                "id": "719ec638-dc05-4542-8761-d91529ccd265",
                "number": "34622814642",
                "name": "MR X",
                "active": true,
                "iconUrl": "",
                "post": "RRHH",
                "optimes": [
                        "day": "SA",
                        "availableFrom": "14:00:00",
                        "availableUntil": "23:00:00"
                        "day": "TU",
                        "availableFrom": "22:00:00",
                        "availableUntil": "00:00:00"
                "id": "a602b203-bdf0-46d6-a443-1149dcda09ef",
                "number": "34622814642",
                "name": "Ms Y",
                "active": true,
                "iconUrl": "",
                "post": "Sales",
                "optimes": [
                        "day": "MO",
                        "availableFrom": "22:00:00",
                        "availableUntil": "23:00:00"
                        "day": "TU",
                        "availableFrom": "22:00:00",
                        "availableUntil": "00:00:00"
        "color": "#25d366",
        "rightpos": true,
        "active": true,
        "isopen": false,
        "buttonMessage": "Click to whatsapp",
        "widgetMessage": "Hola!",
        "iconUrl": "",
        "textColor": "#ffffff"

We have provided an example in curt to get you started:

  curl -X GET \ \
  -H 'Postman-Token: f5fb9fa9-0162-447c-910a-d6501a9adaa2' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache'

The following code should be installed jest before the closing body tag. The account Id is what was received after inserting

  <script defer data-key="CLIENT_ID" src=""></script>


A Postman exportable con be downloaded from here: Note you will have to generate your own token with your email and password for it to work.


    "name": string(2 - 255) required,
    "whatsapps": [
            "number": string (255) required,
            "name": string (2 - 255) required,

                      "day":string (2) format (MO,TUY,WE,TH,FR,SA,SU) required,
                      "availableFrom":string (8) format HH:MM:SS required,
                      "availableUntil":string (8) format HH:MM:SS} required,
            "id": string  - valid uuid
            "active": boolean required,
            "iconUrl": string (255) - format /^https:[\-_A-Za-z0-9\/\.]+\.(jpg|png|gif)$/ ,
            "post": string (0-255)

    "color": string (7) format: /^#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}/,
    "textColor": string (7) forma /^#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}/
    "rightpos": boolean,
    "active": boolean,
    "isopen": boolean,
    "buttonMessage": string (2 - 255),
    "widgetMessage": string (2 - 255),
    "iconUrl": string (255) - format /^https:[\-_A-Za-z0-9\/\.]+\.(jpg|png|gif)$/

Add the widget on your website

1. Copy this code
Copied to clipboard
2. Paste the code

Place the code just before the </head> tag in the HTML of your website

copy and paste code example